Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday, September 1st

  • Quiz THIS Friday will include HANDWASHING PRACTICAL - make sure you are practicing! 
  • Tagline and Logo are due tomorrow at the end of the class! 
  • Begin looking for someone to interview for your research paper.  You should have an interview set up for next week by Friday!
  • FHS MED OCCS - Make sure you are ready to go get measured for scrubs next week.
  • GHS MED OCCS AM/PM - Do NOT go get your scrubs yet!

  • Are you a female interested in participating in GetSet?                                   *You will need to attend a mandatory Orientation for both parents and students at Dublin High School - Thursday, September 22nd from 6:30-8:30, Performing Arts Center
  • Please add the Tri-valley College & Career Fair October 12th from 6:30-8:30.  You will be required to attend so if you work start asking for this date off! NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Saturday, October 8th - UC Davis Pre- Health Conference - More info to follow, but I am encouraging all of my students to go for the weekend! 

  • Study for tomorrow's quiz.
  • Need to bring in 100 index cards in class with a ziploc bag no later than NEXT THURSDAY! We have to push this back as I forgot next week is a short week.
POWERPOINTS - Want to catch up on notes from class? Click on the following links for our different in class presentations.
Throughout the course of the year we will need some basics to survive on, please bring in at least one of the following items to donate to our class for the betterment of our community... This is merely an ask, obviously I understand that some of you may not be in the position to donate right now and that is ok!
1. Kleenex
2. Clorox Wipes
3. Granola Bars
4. Large Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
5. Other Snack Items
(why ask for snacks? - because someday you will be super hungry and should eat something and I will be able to offer you up a snack )

Thank you to Reese in the GHS PM class for bringing in wipes and kleenex! 

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